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Congressional Sell-Outs to Israel

To the tune of “Light My Fire.”

It's time to call a spade a spade.
I don't want to be a liar.
The puppet master's cards are played,
And our pols are rolling in the mire.

They're just Israel's guns for hire.
They're just Israel's bums for hire.
May they burn in Satan's fire.

The time for mincing words is through.
No more preaching to the choir.
I just want to say to you.
The situation now is dire.

They're just Israel's guns for hire.
They're just Israel's bums for hire.
May they burn in Satan's fire.

Our spending bills are coming due.
But somehow they never tire
Of giving what they get from you,
And Israel's cost grows ever higher.

They're just Israel's guns for hire.
They're just Israel's bums for hire.
May they burn in Satan's fire.

David Martin

See Buelahman’s video version.

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